15 Kata Ucapan Selamat Imlek 2023 Happy Chinese New Year Bahasa Inggris, Cocok Jadi Caption Foto IG, WA dan FB

- 20 Januari 2023, 14:10 WIB
Ilustrasi - Kumpulan kata ucapan Selamat Imlek 2023 bahasa Inggris atau Happy Chinese New Year cocok untuk caption foto.
Ilustrasi - Kumpulan kata ucapan Selamat Imlek 2023 bahasa Inggris atau Happy Chinese New Year cocok untuk caption foto. /PEXELS/RODNAE Productions.

12. Sending love and luck to you and your family this Chinese New Year.

13. Happy Chinese New Year! Hope you can thrive forward with the heavenly blessings and gain success with all your endeavors!

14. Happy Chinese New Year, may the foreworkd and lanterns ignite hope, ambition, and aspirations in you.

15. Happy Chinese New Year, hoope you have a wonderful year with your family and friends.

Demikian informasi kumpulan kata ucapan Selamat Imlek 2023 happy chinese new year yang cocok dibagikan ke sosial media jadi caption foto IG, WA dan FB.***


Editor: Sani Charonni


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