30 Contoh Soal Latihan Tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN 2024 dan Jawabannya, Ini Link PDF Test Online Tahap 2 RBB 2024

- 27 Mei 2024, 13:46 WIB
Ilustrasi - 30 contoh soal latihan tes Bahasa Inggris 2024 lengkap dengan jawabannya.
Ilustrasi - 30 contoh soal latihan tes Bahasa Inggris 2024 lengkap dengan jawabannya. /PIXABAY/jarmoluk

BERITA DIY - Berikut informasi 30 contoh soal latihan tes Bahasa Inggris 2024 lengkap dengan jawabannya, ini link PDF test online tahap 2 RBB 2024.

Berdasarkan jadwal, tes tahap 2 Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2024, termasuk materi Learning Agility, diundur oleh pihak penyelenggara.

Semula tes yang dijadwalkan berlangsung pada 25 Mei - 27 Mei, diubah menjadi 28 Mei - 29 Mei 2024. Namun, peserta bisa melakukan uji coba mulai hari ini, Senin, 27 Mei 2024.

Biasanya, tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN mencakup beberapa materi yang dirancang untuk mengevaluasi pemahaman dan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris peserta.

Baca Juga: JADWAL Tes Online 2 Rekrutmen Bersama FHCI BUMN Kapan? Ini Nilai Ambang Batas Passing Grade Minimum

Sementara itu, tes Learning Agility mengukur kemampuan dan kesediaan seseorang untuk belajar dari pengalaman, kemudian menerapkan pengetahuan yang diperoleh untuk menghadapi tantangan baru.

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30 Contoh Soal Tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN 2024

Lebih lanjut, berikut adalah contoh soal tes bahasa Inggris dan learning agility BUMN 2024 tahap 2:

1. The __________ of the building was breathtaking.
a. altitude

b. architecture

c. attitude

d. aptitude

Jawaban: b.

Baca Juga: 10 CONTOH Soal Learning Agility BUMN PDF 2024 dan Kunci Jawaban, Ini Link Download Lengkap Tes Bahasa Inggris

2. What is the synonym of “exquisite”?
a. ugly

b. beautiful

c. ordinary

d. common

Jawaban: b.

3. Which sentence is correct?
5. What __________ yesterday?
a. you do

b. did you do

c. you did

d. do you do

Jawaban: b.

6. She _________ a book when I last saw her.
a. read

b. reads

c. reading

d. is reading

Jawaban: a.

7. They ________ to the party if they had been invited.
a. would come

b. would have come

c. will come

d. come

Jawaban: b.

8. My brother _____ his car keys.
a. lose

b. losing

c. losed

9. Individual differences in brain-wave activity may shed light on why some people are more prone to emotional stress disorders

A. That others are

B. And others are

C. Others are

D. Than are others

Jawaban: D

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10. ... squeezed, the orange juice in a one-cup serving provides twice the minimum daily requirement for Vitamin C

A. It is freshly

B. If freshly

C. You freshly

D. If it freshly

Jawaban: B

11. She … a book when I arrived.

A. Was reading

B. Reading

C. Read

D. Are reading

Jawaban: A

12. School principals … at schools

A. Is working

B. Work

C. Going To Work

D. May be Working

Jawaban: B

Read this text carefully for questions 13-14!

In Montana and Wyoming a cowboy’s life is harder in the winter than in other seasons. During the spring and fail round-ups, a cowboy works long hours.

The weather is good, however, and he enjoys being out of doors. The sun shines almost every day, and it rarely rains.

During July and August there is little work for a cowboy and he can spend much of his time at rodeos, his favorite from of recreation.

In the winter, as in the spring and fail, cowboy also has a lot to do, but the severe weather makes his work very difficult. He often works in extreme cold and wind.

Even when the weather is bad, he rides his horse continuously, watching over his stock and taking care of the weak animals that cannot stand the wind and cold.

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13. What is the topic of the paragraph?

A. How to care of animals in winter

B. Spring and fail seasons in Montana

C. The life of cowboy throughout the year

D. Winter, an extreme season in Montana

Jawaban: C

14. With which of the following sentences should the paragraph end?

A. Therefore, cowboys are usually considered very strong

B. Thus, throughout the year cowboy work hard but they enjoy their social life

C. To conclude, all cowboys are well trained and good at rodeos

D. That’s why cowboys work very hard only during the spring and fail

Jawaban: B

15. His father insisted on … medicine, because he thinks it will enable his son to help many people.

A. He is studying

B. That he studies

C. Having studied

D. He is to study

Jawaban: B

16. The director is meeting with the investors, as the company would like to … operations.

A. Expend

B. Expanse

C. Expand

D. Expense

Jawaban: C

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17. Ms. Tiara is a gifted speaker, and everybody … listening to her talks.

A. Eave enjoyed

B. Enjoy

C. Are enjoying

D. Enjoys

Jawaban: D

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18. Education in Indonesia is the … of school, government and society.

A. Responsible

B. Responsibility

C. Responsive

D. Responsibly

Jawaban: B

19. Who … you information about this test?

A. have give

B. Is Given

C. Gave

D. Giving

Jawaban: B

20. The great apes, a generally peaceful species … in groups

A. Would rather living

B. Would rather live

C. Would rather they live

D. Would rather lived

Jawaban: B

21. “When did you realize you had lost your purse?“

“When I …, one to pay the conductor.”

A. Was needing

B. Had needed

C. Have needing

D. Am needing

Jawaban: B

22. “Why didn’t Didi want to go home?”

“His mother …… him for causing the car accident.”

A. would blame

B. has blamed

C. is blaming

D. had blamed

Jawaban: D

23. We are going on a long trip, so we must…

A. Have checked the car

B. Have had the car checked

C. To have the car checked

D. Have the car checked

Jawaban: D

24. Your son will be operated on tomorrow morning. He … have a good rest tonight’ the doctor said.

A. Might

B. May

C. Can

D. Must

Jawaban: D

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25. The way professor Mattis teaches English not only keeps the student’ interest…….

A. And also increases their motivation

B. But also increasing their motivation

C. And he also increases their motivation

D. But also increases their motivation

Jawaban: D

26. If I were you I would put that meat in the refrigerator or it will … in this hot weather.

A. Go off

B. Go over

C. Go by

D. Go on

Jawaban: A

27. It was very difficult to park the car in Pondok Indah Mall as there were not any … parking spaces.

A. Vacant

B. Blank

C. Uninhabited

D. Bare

Jawaban: A

28. You are already grown up so you should be able to … between good and bad.

A. Differentiate

B. Discriminate

C. Distinguish

D. Verify

Jawaban: C

29. The manager was very worried because his production figures were …

A. Falling off

B. Falling out

C. Falling over

D. Falling through

Jawaban: A

30. Having given the prescription to the patient…

A. The medicine was taken regularly by the patient

B. The doctor told the patient to take the medicine regularly

C. The medicine had to be taken regularly by the patient

D. The patient was told to take the medicine regularly

Jawaban: B

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Untuk mempermudah peserta belajar tes bahasa Inggris BUMN 2024, berikut adalah link download contoh soal tes online tahap 2:


Itulah informasi 30 contoh soal latihan tes Bahasa Inggris 2024 lengkap dengan jawabannya, ini link PDF test online tahap 2 RBB 2024.***

Editor: Muhammad Suria


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