Contoh Soal Tes Akademik Bahasa Inggris Polri dan Jawabannya Persiapan Tes CAT Akademik Bintara 2022

- 22 Mei 2022, 11:35 WIB
Ilustrasi soal tes akademik - Simak contoh soal tes akademik Bahasa Inggris Polri dan jawabannya untuk tes CAT Akademik Bintara 2022 sebagai bahan refrensi untuk belajar.
Ilustrasi soal tes akademik - Simak contoh soal tes akademik Bahasa Inggris Polri dan jawabannya untuk tes CAT Akademik Bintara 2022 sebagai bahan refrensi untuk belajar. /PIXABAY/@tjevans

Steamships have lost against motor vehicles. Diesel locomotives have driven steam locomotives off the rails. Jet planes using aviation fuel fly the skies, making remote places reachable in a matter of hours.

That oil is indispensable to our everyday lives is not an exaggeration, either. Yet few of us ever ask how this important liquid is extracted from the earth and changed into finished products. In the first place, it is not an easy matter to find an oil reserve. Exploration teams, sent by oil companies, have to go to remote places, sometimes have to live under harsh conditions, to explore the earth or seabed for oil.

They study the rock and the soil, and if there are promising results, the next thing for the oil company to do is to send a drilling team to the location. Again, this is not a simple matter. Roads, for examples, have to be built first to transport the men and materials to the site. What is worse, the first drilling does not always bring about oil. The drilling team often has to drill up to ten wells before oil is found.

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4. Animal-drawn carriages have been replaced by...

A. ships
B. vehicles
C. planes
D. motor vehicles
E. motor boats and vessels

5. To find an oil reserve people have to explore...

A. any location
B. rock or oil
C. rock or water
D. the earth or seabed
E. remote places only

6. In line 15, the word "this" refers to ...

A. building a road them
B. sending a drilling team
C. gathering the crude oil
D. sending exploration teams
E. sending exploration machinery


Editor: Muhammad Suria


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