Contoh Soal Tes Akademik Bahasa Inggris Polri dan Jawabannya Persiapan Tes CAT Akademik Bintara 2022

- 22 Mei 2022, 11:35 WIB
Ilustrasi soal tes akademik - Simak contoh soal tes akademik Bahasa Inggris Polri dan jawabannya untuk tes CAT Akademik Bintara 2022 sebagai bahan refrensi untuk belajar.
Ilustrasi soal tes akademik - Simak contoh soal tes akademik Bahasa Inggris Polri dan jawabannya untuk tes CAT Akademik Bintara 2022 sebagai bahan refrensi untuk belajar. /PIXABAY/@tjevans

2. Andi: "You know Lia's father is hospitalized for his serious illness"
Ardi: "......"

A. She must be very sad
B. Its boring
C. She must be very happy
D. its good idea
E. excuse me

jawaban: A

3. A person who robs the cargo ships, fishing boats or oil tankers is called a...

A. robber
B. rapist
C. pirate
D. ringleader
E. ship crew

Jawaban: C

Baca Juga: Arti Test Pack 1 Garis Jelas dan Garis Merah Samar Saat Cek Alat Tes Kehamilan

Contoh soal teks panjang dan jawaban.

Teks for 4-9

That oil has helped to shape the world is not an exaggeration. Indeed, the discovery of oil during the last hundred years has changed a great deal of things. An oil product called kerosene has replaced firewood in the kitchen of our cities. Motor vehicles using gasoline or diesel oil have put animal-drawn carriages into museums.


Editor: Muhammad Suria


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